14cm zombieskiver 4 forskjellige zombier 18168

14cm zombieskiver 4 forskjellige zombier 18168

Sig Sauer Auto Reset Knockdown 17525

Sig Sauer Auto Reset Knockdown 17525

Daisy Rocket Shot Target DY-990870-402

kr 399,00

Utrolig artig mål hvor man først skyter på den runde skiven. Den er fjærbelastet og ved treff skyter den mål nr 2 opp i luften, som man så forsøker å treffe. Mål nr 2 er en brusboks e.l. 

Se en video her som viser en kort demonstrasjon av Rocket Shot. 

The Rocket Shot Target is great fun for shooters of all ages. First you shoot the 2.5" spring-loaded target trigger that launches the target (can) 10 to 12 feet into the air, then you take your follow-up shot. You can experiment with your own reactive targets and load your system with a soda can, plastic bottle, whiffle ball, or anything else that is lightweight and fits in the auto-locking wide mouth.

The system forces you to aim instinctively at the moving target and helps further develop marksmanship. Use the Rocket Shot Target to become a better sharpshooter, hone your instinctive shooting skills, train with your shooting team, or for hours of family fun.

Product Tip: Simple to set up, the Rocket Shot Target works best when installed straight up and down (vertically) into the ground. That way the target is sure to launch when the target trigger (paddle) is hit, even with minimal force.

Safety rated for airguns that shoot lead ammo only. Be sure there is nothing within range behind the target. Wear safety glasses at all times.



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